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Piano Day 2021 — Lubomyr Melnyk, Douglas Dare, Arthur Jeffes of Penguin Cafe and David Allred

24.3  2021


To celebrate Piano Day this year, we are hosting a virtual concert, bringing together Erased Tapes artists from different corners of the world.

Kicking off at 8pm GMT tonight, over on our Erased Tapes YouTube channel, the event will feature solo piano performances from Lubomyr Melnyk in Sweden to Douglas Dare in London, Arthur Jeffes of Penguin Cafe in Italy to David Allred in Portland, USA. And you are all dearly invited to join us!

We are taking this opportunity to fundraise with Milk and Honey in London — a female led, expressive safe space that aims to allow young women to feel empowered and heal from their experiences — to donate a piano to a school in Brixton that doesn't have one yet. This will be a free event, and available on demand for 30 days — with an opportunity for you to donate if you can.

· donate to the fundraiser

Along with this event, and to mark the occasion, we will be offering 10% off an array of sheet music books and piano releases from our back catalogue over in our online store. Simply use the code pianoday2021 at checkout.

· watch our free Piano Day concert (on demand for 30 days)
· browse our back catalogue, find hidden gems, and maybe re-discover past loves